Daniel Franklin
Daniel Franklin joins the Jenna's Promise team after serving as VP for advocacy and community relations for the Vermont Association for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery and Recovery Vermont and before that as executive director for the Lamoille Valley's North Central Vermont Recovery Center. He has been a key collaborator with Jenna's Promise nearly since it was founded, especially by advising on how Jenna's Promise could break new ground in the system of care and helping to design Jenna's House. A native of Guilford, VT, Daniel lives in Craftsbury with his partner Corrina and their young son Josiah. Daniel has worked as leader, advocate, fundraiser, and frontline worker in the health and human services fields for many years. He is devoted to the cause of recovery from addictions and mental health challenges and seeks to advance and enhance the connection between mind, body and spirit by unifying systems of care for mental health and physical health. He is proud to join a remarkable team and to contribute to next stage of growth and innovation for Jenna's Promise.